Lullaby | YouSupps
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Destress & Sleep Like A Baby -

As soon as your sleep goes, everything else goes. Your health, your performance, your mood…. everything. Don’t neglect your sleep, or you will literally become a different person. And I guarantee you won’t like that person!

Therefore, we have created Lullaby. Lullaby provides you with all the nutrients needed to to shift into parasympathetic nervous system which is needed to reduce cortisol and improve sleep quality.

It enhances the production of sleep hormones such as melatonin and GABA, the hormones responsible for getting you to sleep and keeping you asleep. It also contains the precursors and nutrients needed for serotonin, our feel-good hormone. It assists in regulating our circadian rhythm, which is important to regulate our immune system, sleep and wake cycle and repair & healing.

When you are getting adequate sleep and your level of cortisol is appropriate and not turning your brain into Swiss cheese, you feel calm, cool, and collected most of the time. You bounce out of bed in the morning. Because you slept well, there are no bags under your eyes, you eat normally with no blood sugar swings, you feel like your body has a good rhythm, and your total load—the amount of physical and psychological stress you’ve got on your plate—is manageable and engaging. You eat nutrient-dense food. You strike a balance in your life between input and output. Sugar: you could: Take it or leave it.

Lullaby may help to:

- Increase melatonin levels
- Increase production of GABA
- Increase production of serotonin
- Reduce cortisol
- Manage stress
- Promote deep sleep


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